
Showing posts with the label Tech And Work on TechRepublic

Post-COVID tech-leveraged economy may be more difficult for some workers, Fed Chairman says

13 meditation apps and self-care products to relieve stress

Amazon halts all employee travel, Google adds new restrictions due to coronavirus

Software developers say they feel pressure to sacrifice code quality to meet deadlines

Dell Tech Summit: Want to help the environment? Start with your company culture

Techies, don't be too proud to learn new things

5 building blocks your company needs for successful digital transformation

5 building blocks for successful digital transformation

3 reasons to choose a career in project management

Why remote work and flexible schedules are the new normal for global business

Infographic: 11 things managers should never say to employees

How coding boot camp Awesome Inc. is working to fill the tech talent gap

How coding bootcamp Awesome Inc. is working to fill the tech talent gap

Replacing JavaScript: How eBay made a web app 50x faster by switching programming languages

Tech news roundup: GDPR turns 1, and who makes the best apps?

5 tech trends your business can't afford to ignore

How to future-proof your career: 5 tips

How to become a consultant: 15 tips for success

Why only 18% of data scientists are women

Five tips for controlling procrastination