
Showing posts with the label Science News - Times of India

NASA's OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft collects significant amount of asteroid

‘Sunshine’ Vitamin D may be Covid shield, curb severity

Scientists report that airborne coronavirus is probably infectious

Study: World carbon pollution falls 17% during pandemic peak

Child in New York dies and rare syndrome tied to virus is suspected

Chandrayaan 2's orbiter observes solar flares, will help understand Sun better

Strength training may cut diabetes risk in obese people

Eating walnuts may lower depression risk: Study

Fast radio burst linked to alien source discovered

Study predicts 8.5 magnitude earthquake in Himalayas

ESA probe beams unveils Mars landscape shaped by water, wind and ice

Nasa spacecraft makes closest approach to sun

Unique 'fingerprints' can help track 3D-printed guns

'New drugs to prevent tuberculosis in the offing'

Chinese scientists complete genome sequencing of tropical sage plant